

Many Messiahs

The diverse collaborators on the Many Messiahs team create new songs using material from the original Messiah, amplifying the work’s powerful themes of awakening and activism. Performed by a genre-bending ensemble along with orchestra and chorus, Many Messiahs meets the vital need for classical music programming that addresses systemic racism while also welcoming new audiences into concert halls.

With fiscal sponsorship and additional support from the IndieFlix Foundation, Many Messiahs is currently raising funds to produce a pilot project in December 2022.

Your tax-deductible contribution makes this important work possible.

Thank you!

Team Impactful Fund and Many Messiahs

Impactful Fund 501c3

EIN 45-2562072


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Recent Activity

Name Brian Gillespie Tara Broyhill
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $1,500.00
Date 12/28/23
Name Lenore Marentette
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $50.00
Date 12/19/23
Message Thank you for what you are doing!
Name Melissa Wood Brewster
Activity Type Mailing list
Amount -
Date 12/17/23
Name Melissa Wood Brewster
Activity Type Donation, Mailing list
Amount $50.00
Date 12/17/23
Name Elise Von Koschembahr
Activity Type Donation
Amount $1,000.00
Date 12/15/23

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